7 Video Strategies to increase your view and drive up your website traffic

  1. Viral Videos Viral videos can’t be guaranteed and the formula that works for one video won’t necessarily drive up the views of another. Video types that have a higher chance of going viral are odd, shocking, emotional, or comical. A lot of the time viral videos are captured in the moment and aren’t staged, so keep those cameras ready!
  2. Make your company more Personable –  Some companies use celebrates or spokespeople as the face of their company, while others will use the owners of the business. Make sure to keep your “brand” the same and commit to using a familiar face in your videos.
  3. Increase your Brand visibility – To help make your brand more successful, you need to reach you target audience through social media. Posting videos online will keep your brand active and in front of your audience and is an easy way to communicate with them.
  4. Be proud of your testimonials – Share Share Share! Make sure you share your customer and client feedback both on your website as well as through social media. Give shoutouts online to happy clients and use that to reel in more clients.
  5. Start a Vlog – Vlog’s are just like blogs except for it’s a video. This will help capture your personality and get you in front of potential clients and customers. They will form a bond with you by seeing you before you meet.
  6. Showcase new product information – Videos about new products can reach a larger audience in a much quicker fashion. The video will show off what you’re offering as well as any and all details you want to share about it, you can even show a demo of the item in use.
  7. Product demonstration – Just like with showcasing your new product, you can make a demonstration video where you can test the product as well as talk about it in great detail. If you cover all bases of what could be asked, this will drive your sales faster.